January 29, 2019 MEP Equine Solutions - Formed to develop and commercialize on-site diagnostic tools for animals.
February 26, 2019
SuperFanU- provides freedom over your existing Windows File System where file retrieval can be frustrating.
March 19, 2019 IReportSoruceireportsource.com/ The easiest, and most affordable, way to get your safety program online and into the hands of your employees. All done with hands-on, 1 to 1 onboarding and support.
May 28, 2019
Ujoin- we set out to make one of the best advocacy and email management sites out there
September 24, 2019
Hippo Manager - Hippo Manager was built from the ground up based on a fresh and simple user interface that delivers everything needed for veterinary practices of all sizes.
October 29, 2019 Ez-Chow - All of the applications we develop for our restaurant & hospitality partners are mobile responsive. We focus on providing an easy to use ordering application using your brand standards and guidelines. Utilizing our platform you will have your cake and eat it too. Learn more about us.
November 19, 2019 HummingbirdNano - Our technology sparks the ability to create new products that can't be made using current state of the art methods. We also make today's high priced products more affordable, so that they become more commonplace, spur innovation and give back to society. Hummingbird Nano's technology is revolutionizing how specific products are manufactured for end use. Initial applications are focused on small parts such as microfluidic chips and micro-optics.